This the most difficult game for me to talk about. I absolutely adore this game most of the time, other times I absolutely despise it. There is a lot of great things this game does such as its visuals which are practically unmatched in video games IMO. The story also has its absolutely fantastic moments. The combat is incredibly fun to play around with. While all of these are reasons why I love the game there are still times when I dislike or outright despise it, such as its weak story moments around the 3rd palace, or how the difficulty curve is in the wrong direction, or the time it used homophobia as a joke. Despite all this, the new content presented in royal created by a much less homophobic director leaves an impeccable after taste leaving me to still love the game when I finish. My overall opinion of this game reminds me of Breath of the Wild, where I recognize all the flaws it has, and fully acknowledge it is far from perfect, but nothing can ever really be perfect, and that's why I still consider Persona 5 Royal a 5/5.

Reviewed on May 23, 2023
