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never expected one of the hardest games I've played to be a snes platformer of a monkey named diddy but here we are

this game’s environments are actually so peak, and all the levels are accompanied by amazing atmospheric tracks, for me that was the highlight of the game. some of my favorite tracks include forest interlude and stickerbush symphony (the basics)

while I enjoyed most levels on here, when this game decided to be difficult it was fucking rough man. a lot of mid game levels and especially the final few levels had me rethinking whether I should even bother beating the game. the animal friends were very hit or miss as well with them either being pretty fun to outright annoying. the most annoying animal to use by far was the bum ass spider..

but despite the animal friends feeling eh at times, diddy and dixie control super fun and fluidly. i especially enjoyed playing as dixie with her hair propeller glide ability i thought it was pretty cool. this game is pretty replayable so I can really see myself doing more playthroughs of it and getting better