fe7 is an incredible example of doing more with less.

full credit should go to fe6 for all the gorgeous sprite work that this uses -- just an absolute masterpiece of pixel art. however, in all other ways this is simply a complete improvement on 6. maps are shorter, more interesting, less grindy and with more varied objectives; your lords (yes, even poor wretched eliwood) are both mechanically and personality-wise better than roy; characters are (i think) fewer, but more fleshed out and play off of each other better, and even the ones that you have no earthly reason to use add a ton of colour and detail to the world if you go out of your way looking for it.

writing-wise, it's truly fantastic. the limited text boxes enforce a precise style, character voices are distinct and interesting, and their portraits add a ton of life and expressiveness. the story, although it looks like by-the-numbers medieval fantasy, has a degree of thematic cohesion and thoughtfulness that you rarely see in any game to this day; as with the entire series, ideas of "family" and "history/memory" are central and treated with a degree of thought and care that i feel both 6 and 8 kind of lack.

unfortunalely, yes, this one has the "funny" gay bandits bit too. can't win em all.

7 was my favourite before three houses, and maybe it still is? i'm not sure. it's one of my top two anyway.

Reviewed on Jun 23, 2022
