Such a pretty game, love the graphics and the story. I played it during a stay at my grandma's house and it was so fun.

I enjoyed it and it was fun and charming but pretty forgettable plot and characters.

Update: I have bought this on Switch and the amount of abominations that have come out of my own hand is horrifying.

i remember once i named all the squirrels after undertale characters. I thought I was real funny.

why did i spend so many hours on this game

i love the exploration and the OST and the fact that this game is a massive collab. best yume nikki fangame.

Neat and I like the customization I just wish the community wasnt insane


second best yume nikki fangame after yume 2kki. probably tied. its so good and has an amazing atmosphere.

messed up silly little creatuir MURDER

this was fun too bad it was a fail

once i stayed at a hotel for a school trip and me & my middle school friends watched club penguin love stories on youtube the whole night then theytried to kill me. good memories