Neat and I like the customization I just wish the community wasnt insane

i love the exploration and the OST and the fact that this game is a massive collab. best yume nikki fangame.

why did i spend so many hours on this game

i remember once i named all the squirrels after undertale characters. I thought I was real funny.

Update: I have bought this on Switch and the amount of abominations that have come out of my own hand is horrifying.

I enjoyed it and it was fun and charming but pretty forgettable plot and characters.

Such a pretty game, love the graphics and the story. I played it during a stay at my grandma's house and it was so fun.


This game is good and it's also scary. Like really scary.

People on tumblr made me hate this game back in 2016 and I tried giving it a chance but it's impossible to progress without spending money or grinding. Also I hate the fact that I have to wake up in real-time to call with these insane men.

I desperately wish this game in its current state was better because it was a staple of my childhood, at this point it would be better to just let it die but I give it 4 stars because it's so important to me.

You don't really need to play this to understand LISA especially because it's so difficult (damn those spiders!!!!!) but it helps explain Lisa and Brad's backstory to a deeper level. It definetely can be spine-chilling in certain parts and is also a Yume Nikki fangame.