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While God of War III was bonkers, and God of War 2018 was good to look at, God of War II smashed and slashed its way through the PS2 era, besting its predecessor gameplay-wise.

God of War II's set-pieces are mesmerizing and something that I would continue to gush about. Colossus of Rhodes still lives in my head, rent-free. Not only that, but its level design is an exemplar of linear game design.

Where God of War II ultimately faltered was its storytelling. God of War handled this well, a Greek tragedy retold in a contemporary format, while God of War II decided to go all-in on the "revenge" aspect. It also presents the "sequelitis" problem, where everything needs to be grander in their sense of scale. Still somewhat good, however.

God of War II is perhaps one of my favorite PS2 games. It's an excellent adventure, and one the best-presented "cinematic" video-games that have existed.