i do think i need a little bit of a CT scan every time i hear the argument, "but it's more fun with friends!" when i do a little jab on valorant being a shitty game in front of my friends.

well, looky here frankie, playing human fall flat is fun with friends, no question. playing build-a-home using sticks and stones? fun with friends. eating dirt under the blue moonlight? absolutely fantastic with friends. chopping people's fingers off everytime they say the love valorant? cathartic, is best suited with friends.

if you don't get my point, you slime-headed, barely functioniong slab of meat, EVERYTHING IS FUN WITH FRIENDS. that doesn't excuse your shitty pile of software entitled Valorant of being a good game, because you can play it with your friends.

i'm not saying that your opinion is wrong, i'm just saying it's shit.

Reviewed on Jun 29, 2024
