I wrote a long review here but it sucked. Here’s a pros and cons list instead:

+ The story has some high highs and low lows, but it’s overall good. I like it better than Asylum’s but not City’s.
+ Predator is polished, mechanically complex, and incentivizes the use of strategies beyond “drop on guy + get silent takedown + swing to gargoyle + repeat”
+ Looks very pretty (rainy Gotham is impressive even today)
+ Really makes you [REDACTED] like [REDACTED]

- Combat is barely different from City. Series vets (i.e. me) will be able to autopilot through most encounters.
- You get three new gadgets (except it’s more like 1.5 or 2) and they aren’t great. Bafflingly, none of them have utility in combat.
- The Batmobile (especially the tank form) is so over-utilized that it harms the experience significantly. By the back third of the campaign I was actively avoiding the car when and where I could, and dreading the sections that forced its use.
- Little time is spent in interesting indoor environments/levels (largely to accommodate the Batmobile).
- Most of the side missions are bland.
- In general, Knight is often boring, or at least not particularly stimulating.

Reviewed on Jun 21, 2024
