I think this game is highly overhated. Mostly because of how outrageously cheap is the game ending (combined with Todd Howard "evil" schemes during this game announce) and by the fact that there are way better Fallout games (pretty much every non-Bethesda developed Fallout game), while its predecessor being not only way better, but also one of the best games ever made in history of videogames. In this sense, it shares a lot of connection with Mass Effect 3 comically enough. What differentiate them two is that for the worst of Fallout 3, its sequel, Fallout: New Vegas, did a similar game as Fallout 3 (although with different approaches), but infinitely better, and also is one of the best games ever made.

But if we take Fallout 1, 2 and New Vegas aside, this game is not bad, and is lowkey good. Nothing mind bogling or near a masterpiece, but definitely a good game nevertheless.

Right, the main campaign is uninteresting and quite forgettable, but everything aside is cool. Nice side quests, the towns are all very vivid and interesting to interact with, some of my favorite characters of the franchise are there (Fawkes is probably my favorite Fallout character). There's good exploration, even if it is a little too much of late 2000s/early 2010s open world sometimes (definitely on the higher end of these type of games).

The VATS system is quite fun, and altough is not a hard game, is definitely on the harder side of the post-oblivion Bethesda games.

Also kudos for the Metro Trains having feet.

This game is pretty much what Skyrim was for The Elder Scrolls, an watered down RPG, extremely acessible, with an underwhelming main campaign, but with a very interesting worldbuilding and a lot of ways of interaction and some genuinely fun side quests. And as Skyrim, although a good game, could be infinitely better.

Reviewed on Feb 06, 2023
