I never understood the "Can it run Crysis?" joke because I played it on my potato laptop on medium settings. The gameplay, soundtrack and the environment was really good but the story is nothing remarkable.

It has bugs and the gameplay is not that good. But it's still the best the 2nd best Marvel game till now because of it's story. The story in this game is better than the story in The Guardians of the Galaxy movie.

It's sad that there aren't many sports games like this. The game design is genius!

Stopped playing because of a bug. I need to restart playing it. The spooky environment of this game is promising but even after playing for an hour, I haven't encountered the King Kong yet.

It's messy and feels weird. Camera feels too zoomed in.

Pretty good baseball game. But it's too difficult to hit a homerun even in the easy mode. Also, there is a lack of contents.

The novelty of this game is that everything is unexpected. For the first 10-15 minutes it was fun but then the novelty wears off. Cool concept but it wasn't mind blowing for me.

One of the most underrated games I have ever played. This would have gotten much more attention if it was on steam. The story is the same as Stranded (Glu mobile game) which was released in 2006. This is one of the first games that made me interested in story games. The story is so good that it's one of my favorite games of all time.

I'm not a fan of jump scares actually. I don't think this game is for me.

One of the best underrated PS1 games. I have finished the game 3 times already.

I don't know what but it's lacking something.

The narration is absolutely awful. Even after an hour the story in this game kept me in the absolute dark while giving more and more unexplained info in a very weird way. Also, Jess is an awful bland character with zero emotions or lack of any reactions in many case. The gameplay is fun at first but gets repetitive quickly with same types of enemies over and over again. The combat gameplay feels like it wants to be a cover shooter but has no cover system. Lastly, the map is so confusing that half of my time got wasted finding ways. Overall, this game had potential but didn't click for me.

A very well-made 3D puzzle platformed game. I must say, as far as graphics go, this game was way ahead of its time. Also how the lore connects to Half-Life is unbelievable. However, this game is extremely stressful and I need to be extremely precise at some chambers. I'm stuck at test chamber 18 and lost my patience already.

The first one was way better than this one. It only has 3 characters and the campaign is lame.

The best Kaiju game of my childhood. It has Godzilla, Kong, Ultraman and some other monsters (although their names are Geon, Woo and Astroman due to licensing complications). It's basically WWE of monsters in city full of people.