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as someone who 100%'d the game, i can say with certainty that i do think this game is still pretty good and i love Carlos characterization (even more so than the OG i think he's a much better character here) as well as Mikhails, but the rushed development really showed in this game's story, over 60% of the original game was cut out to meet deadlines when you can literally see parts of the cut levels fully modeled through noclip they just aren't playable, which is a shame because i believe if given more time this game could've been something phenomenal and remembered, but even as someone who speedran the game at one point even on my worst runs it didn't last more than an hour and 30 or 2hrs and on my best an hour or or an hour and 15 mins which is simply just sad, Nemesis was extremely underused despite being one of the most popular RE Tyrants and he just gets shelved like 45 min in (on a SLOW run) which seriously sucked, wish they could've finished it and i'm still hoping for some sort of directors cut.