played this game obsessively as a kid but i never finished it lmao it was my fault I didnt git gud

beaten this 4 times it is my favorite game ever

subnautica below zero isnt even bad guys come on it's just not excellent like the first one was

played this when i was little and stupid so i never beat it

i beat this bad boy back in 5th grade and now they have added so much shit that i will probably never beat it again


this game is not only sexy but also extremely fun

probably would be a better game if EA wasn't EA

bad game but i got it because it was free and then i made a magical big-boobed squid man called Fornando who rides his noble steed (a pink horse that i stretched into the shape of a table)

in 6th grade a couple of boys made a presentation for our english class about rocket league and i thought about that for the entire two weeks that i played this nonstop during the pandemic

this game is awesome i just wish it was longer

not a Masterpiece of Gaming but i sure did spend a lot of time playing it during lectures

i bought this game because it was on sale for 54 cents and because funny lasaga cat hate monday

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I'm sure there's some like artsy explanation but i, controversially, like to have fun when i play video games, so making the player become the villain is weird like i bought the game and you're making me feel bad for successfully doing what you made me do? alright. also that girl is gonna have to put the horse down no doubt

on a positive note the visuals and music in this game are gorgeous and i enjoyed riding a fish. oh and i did also like most of the colossi lmao

244 hours to perfection! i love you Newton Farm, it's been a ride