Overall, I did enjoy my experience in Midgar. The game is bleeding its lore all over the place. The characters and places are lively and the music was great! When the combat works, its ok and I definitely was able to get into a decent groove in the beginning and against all the normal mobs and early bosses. But, the progression of the game doesnt feel like is really doing a whole lot. The end was a real fucking slog and shows just how not great the combat system actually is, I'm consistently amazed with just how not clean it is: Inputs just drop, the AI will just sit there and dont actually fight, bosses target whoever you are as the active character instead of following some sort of aggro methodology. The bike minigame is alittle annoying. The last boss fight was ok, but im still not completely sold on FF being a character action game, it doesnt have the right components as far as im concerned. This game should have been a full fat turn based JRPG and I honestly dont think SE has any real excuse to it not being one.

Reviewed on Mar 04, 2024
