Sonic 2, the sequel to Sonic 1! It does some things better than its predecessor, such as actually having the spindash and improving the speedcap, so the game doesn't control so sluggishly. It also lowers the amount of acts per zone to two, which became the standard for a Sonic game, minus CD a year later. However, Sonic 2 is too linear a lot, too open. The game feels way too easy and when it isn't easy, its actively being a nuisance. Looking at you, Metropolis. The badnik placement in Metropolis is actually godawful. The bosses are still piss easy in this game, but they at least are somewhat unique compared to Sonic 1, which was just really generic. I bothered with only one special stage before giving up on them, as they seemed like they would just be a miserable chore to get through. Fuck Sky Chase btw. Autoscrollers in Sonic will always be horrendous. This game is just average at best.

Reviewed on Jun 03, 2024
