Mixed bag the Sonic game. For the most part its okay. Kinda easy like Sonic 2, but that is mostly because they ripped off Sonic 2 entirely in this short game. For what it is and what hardware its on, this game is somewhat impressive, but as a game itself, its kinda lame. Really just feels like they wanted to sell more Adventure titles and did so by putting a spinoff on a console I have never even heard of. Could have been better if it actually tried to do something original, aside from the bosses, which were okay, minus the second to final boss, but meh.

Depth perception does not exist, and this game is incredibly boring and jarring, failing to provide any kind of fun in sticking around in the levels for longer than usual like CD does. The flicky mechanic is genuinely just awful, especially the red flickies that intentionally run and jump away from you, even putting themselves in harms way that way you get hit too. The controls are slippery and the game is just bad.