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I feel like I'm a crazy person, but I just couldn't enjoy this game as much as I feel I should have. It's so well put together and has so much charm, but the whole time I was playing it I was just kinda bored.

I think that a lot of this stemmed from me not enjoying the ability/equipment system in this game. Having to think so much about what to equip when was just a headache and kinda killed that satisfying sense of progression that you usually get from RPGs. On top of this, I'm not very partial to ATB combat so that didn't help, but it felt even less fun in this game than others. Not really sure why, just how my experience was. Also, for whatever reason, the story never managed to grip me like it did in the previous FF games I played despite me really liking all the characters and the themes being stuff I'd normally connect to.

I still had a decently good time with it, but I'm really sad that I wasn't able to enjoy this one as much as it seems everyone else does.

The music was definitely fucking awesome tho