New Vegas is a rare game where "player choice" isn't just a back-of-the-box buzzword but is actually fully delivered on. The game becomes a complex web of decisions and inter-faction relationships wherein it seems like somehow Obsidian has accounted for literally every possible string of choices. This, along with the phenomenal world-building, deep character building, perfect writing and extremely memorable cast of characters makes it one of the best roleplaying experiences of all time.

Though with all the praise I have for it, there's still some things worth noting. Vanilla New Vegas struggles to run without memory leaks and frequent crashes unless you patch it to allow it to use more RAM and mod it with community made stability fixes. Combat is pretty wonky and even after all the official patches it can still be pretty glitchy. None of this really matters because if you manage to look past those flaws you are rewarded with one of the best gaming experiences you might ever have.

Reviewed on Dec 24, 2020
