A cute, well-built adventure game based on a gimmick that doesn't overstay its welcome, with a surprisingly great soundtrack. The 1-bit graphics can be a bit harsh, depending on your screen/visual sensitivity.

Expect to spend 2-4 hours on a playthrough, which doesn't have much replay value. It's usually listed for $10, which is a fair price for spending an afternoon on an adorable indie gem... but when it goes on sale, I can't recommend it enough.

This game is filled with little "a-ha" moments, but my experience was undermined by needing strategy guides to find half of them. It's nominally an action game with puzzle elements, but I consistently found myself frustrated by the inconsistent use of signifiers: it's easy to recognize internally consistent puzzle elements, but almost impossible to recognize the novel ones unless you try every action with every item in the environment.

Luigi's Mansion 1 did a great job of setting an atmosphere where Luigi -- and, by extension, the player -- was reticent to investigate because of how scary the mansion was. 3 didn't get anywhere to that level for me.

Overall, if you're looking for a problem-solving experience and don't mind hitting your head against a wall for long stretches, this is a great pick. Otherwise, it might be better to just go back and play 1.