An exhilarating adventure, that is exactly what you'd expect from Star Wars tonally. It has stunningly designed planets. It has a ragtag group of misfits fighting for whats right. And most importantly it has hordes of space-fascists to cut your way through.

But under the fun action-adventure exterior, it also has this genuinely touching story about trauma, the crushing effects it has on a person and the struggle one has to go through, to overcome it. Pretty much everybody, even minor characters like Taron Malicos or the ninth sister, has gone through Trauma in this story. Some choose to overcome it, others let it overtake them. Of course a Story about Trauma is nothing special, but its the successful combination of your everyday Trauma story, with the easygoing Star Wars Adventure, that impressed me.

I've played this game before and recalled its story being good but nothing outstanding. So imagine my surprise, when it managed to consistently make me cry and heavily empathize with many of its characters, during my replay. I guess sometimes the story doesn't need to grow on us, but we simply need to grow ourselves.

I do have some minor complaints like non-humanoid enemies not telegraphing effectively, the map being horrendous and a bit of a lack of Enemy variety. But all in all, the good far outweighs the bad, making this a light of hope, in what was a very dark time for Star Wars Gaming.

Reviewed on Mar 31, 2023
