I played an obscene amount of this game in a very small window of time, but reflecting on it, I'm not sure I was ever having fun, just spacing out entirely. If you're only goal is to completely shut off your brain and grind, grind, grind, this is probably fine for that. Ultimately, though, you pretty quickly reach a point where progression is a constant struggle for huge amounts of every resource - basic resources, many of which have to be collected manually. Farms for example, have to constantly have seeds recrafted, crops reharvested, holes redug. The automation that does exist is, again, very expensive, and also works very slowly. In fact, everything works very slowly. I'm spamming out power plants to speed my machines, and electronics still feel like they take upwards of two minutes each. When you regularly need 5, 10, sometimes more electronics per machine, it really adds up. The main engine to speed up resource generation is the lighthouse building, which has to be placed on water. I found myself completely screwed by the game because I didn't realize how vital lighthouses were until I had purchased most land, at which point places where lighthouses fit become scarce, with no way to make new water.

Outside of making a thing to make a thing to make a thing, the main gameplay mechanics are combat (which is, unsurprisingly, fairly shallow) and puzzles. Most of the puzzles in this game are obnoxiously cryptic. In fact, there are multiple where I still don't understand what the logic was, even after looking it up. I can't think of any off the top of my head I enjoyed.

The cutesy pixel art graphics are nice, but there does come a point where the number of effects on screen can make it difficult to decipher. I was also amused by the variety of outfits, including all the obligatory indie game references. 2,000 years from now it will be traditional for all video games to have a character in a suit of armor wielding a shovel, the original purpose of this odd custom long forgotten, but carried on regardless.

Reviewed on Aug 04, 2023
