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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

January 8, 2024

First played

January 1, 2024

Platforms Played


WELL yet another revisit of a game I played a tooooooon of back in the day. When Dungeon Siege came out I was just enamored of it; I was all over it, I couldn't get enough. Something about how kinetic it was, the Diablo 2-esque loot and constant upgrades and especially the fact that every bit of loot changed the way you looked, too? Gosh, I just adored it

And I more or less felt the same way now, replaying it. I had a blast just clicking on bad guys and watching my party light 'em up. I love how weird and crunchy it is, I love how weirdly generic it feels--I just dig this thing through and through.