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1 day

Last played

August 27, 2022

Platforms Played


What an absolutely hilarious and fun and adorable little game!

This is a collection of games that were originally released for the Sega Mega Modem, and they're all cute little arcade-y type games.

I played the most of Flicky, which is a cute little thing where you jump around as a little birb collecting your chicks and evading cats and frogs; it was fun!

Then I played the entirety of the most hilarious Air Hockey game, where the conceit was you're competing in a tournament which determines who the emperor is. It was quirky and fun in the best way--although I cannot imagine someone winning with Retroarch's rewind function.

There are some Phantasy Star text adventures, a cute puzzler set in a pyramid and another little action game I have yet to get around to, but this little collection is adorable and fun!

ALSO last but absolutely not least: Gosh danged MEGUMI HAYASHIBARA not only is the voice of and visual inspiration for the mascot girl but she also does the “Segaaaaa”!! Can you believe that?!