I’ve been playing this (using an Infinite Health cheat) while waiting to pick my wife up from work over the past week or so and it’s…y’know, been a thing to pass the time hahaha

I’m a pretty big nostalgia-induced fan of the Megadrive version of this game, and yep the GG one sure is a GG version! I actually think the pared-down graphics are pretty charming, but this is as mindless as they come.

This game—and it’s Megadrive older brother—continue to earn brownie points from my comic book nerd self for being made in the White Vision era which only lasted like 4 years, which I find really charming in a way. Vision has always been one of my favorite characters in comics and I was chuffed as a kid that he was even in a video game, and it’s still funny that his only game appearance until like, the LEGO games; his inclusion in this game is as gonzo and cool as Hawkeye being in the Spidey arcade beat-em up.

Anywho, there’s very little to say about this one in the end, except that it’s an incredibly weird choice to have Vision have to use the little flying car in the shooter sequences here, when he can fly

Reviewed on Jan 15, 2024
