an unbeliveably epic, lengthy and tragic tale all about how even in the face of utterly indescribable loss and tragedy, people will always find a way. has some of the best characters in this series ive experienced so far, some of the hardest hitting story moments, some of the most memorable locations, boss fights, scenarios and more, and some of the most fun battles in JRPG history. an utter triumph and a near-perfect note to go out on as far as this era of final fantasy goes. as far as problems go, it can get a bit monotonous, a bit frustrating, and the 2d top down graphics make it so the best moments of its story dont hit as hard as they could (no fault of the game, just the fault of time itself). but fuck those moments are so good. this game will fuck you up emotionally speaking. while not all of its characters are made equal, the most important ones more than make up for it. so many highlights. AND THE MUSIC HOLY SHIT ITS SO GOOD like even for FF standards where music is always amazing so many songs on this soundtrack hit hard. an unforgettable adventure im so happy i spent nearly 2 months playing. im genuinely so sad its not in my life anymore.

Reviewed on Oct 25, 2023
