"Experience repeated hardships, overcome numerous difficulties, and finally attain the fulfillment of your goals through your trials and tribulations."

Nukitashi is a great eroge but with several problems. As much as I liked all the routes, except the true route the others are useless, the first 3 only cover minor details and even then these minor details are mentioned in the true route. The production is also very limited with few backgroundimgs/cgs for what was needed and too generic songs that only shine at key moments. But even with these flaws I think the VN manages to shine in the message it wants to tell and all the comedy is excellent with a good cast of characters. Nukitashi is not a work that is made to be taken 100% seriously and this must be taken into account while reading, for that very reason even now I have doubts what rating I should give, but even so I will follow my heart because I definitely love this game.

Reviewed on Jul 29, 2023
