1 review liked by warorater

I tried writing a short review and kept making it too long. I tried playing a short game about organized crime in Japan and ended it with 60+ hours.

Surprising is the word I would use to summarize this game, in a good way. I am surprised that they charged me 8 fucking dollars for this. I am shocked it ended up being one of the most serious and also stupidest games I've ever played. I am gob smacked that this game managed to make me cry while also making me laugh.

I am stunned that you might be reading this review instead of just experiencing the game for yourself.

Final thoughts, I can't wait to see the rest of the games. I also can't believe I've had this game sitting on a figurative shelf for nearly 4 years before playing it. It's not a deep game in the slightest but that works to its advantage I'd say.