This game is so fucking jank, I love it. The platforming is incredibly stiff and the perspective rarely gives leeway for one to understand when you are supposed to press a button. And yet, the game is still frankly incredible levels of easy even if you're on the hardest of the two difficulties. It takes around 15 minutes to complete start to finish for what could probably have been reasonably interpreted as a (AT MINIMUM) 15 dollar game at launch. And yet, I love it because of all of this. Rock on, you higgledy-piggledy piece of code.

Reviewed on Feb 23, 2023

1 Comment

1 year ago

Check out Disney's The Little Mermaid for the NES, very similar licensed jank to this but way better since the underwater movement lets you float around and take stuff in more.

That mine section prevented this from clearing for me, but I do think its funny that Elmo runs with his arms out even if the blanket is not actually in front of him.