As someone who was introduced to this series through the reboot trilogy, I'm surprised by how much I enjoyed this. It's gotta be the game-iest video game I've played in a long time. You've got acrobatic platforming, third person shooting, and puzzle solving interspersed with the occasional vehicle section, boss fight, and a handful of quick time events. It's such a product of its time but there's a lot of charm in that; it's been a while since I've played something unfamiliar to me from this era.

One of my biggest gripes with the reboot trilogy is that they're all very same-y, and feel like half of all AAA action games released in the past 15 years. They're solid games but fairly generic and feature largely unengaging plots. Tomb Raider: Legend isn't very unique in and of itself, but I was still sucked in for the brief six-hour campaign. It doesn't overstay its welcome and it's goofy and over-the-top in all the right ways. There's even a free-roam mode where you can explore Croft Manor and a plethora of unlockables, including several alternate outfits. Lara herself is confident, cold, brutal, witty and sexy. And my dumb caveman brain definitely enjoyed my time spent with her.

I played the 360 version on my Series X and while the game runs just fine, it unfortunately doesn't feature any enhancements like a nice FPS boost. It can look kinda blurry at times and was clearly designed with 6th gen hardware in mind, but my eyes grew accustomed to it. Looking forward to trying out Anniversary and Underworld as well, because this was like the best $4 I ever spent.

Reviewed on Jul 08, 2023
