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+ Story / Lore
+ Art Direction / Character Design / Graphics
+ Length
+ Extra gameplay mechanics
- Lack of playtesting

Little Nightmares....what a game. For SURE one of my new all-time favourites. Like I suggested in my run down, there isn't much I didn't like about this game. It is such a beautiful art piece and covers lots of interesting topics like trauma, abuse, childhood experience, loss, etc. for a game that is very strictly visual storytelling.

I love the open-endedness of the story that allows the audience to have input with their own interpretations. I think for a story game having that kind of allowance for audience opinion and theory is so important. The character design is also absolutely 'beautiful', no matter the character. It's horrifying and so interesting to look at and take apart.

The new gameplay mechanics they added were so fun and helped differentiate this game from the last game (ie. hand holding, tv remote, teleportation, x-ray, etc.)

One thing I would say is that there are quite a few flaws in terms of some of the gameplay. Not buggy per se, but the fact they only have 2 QA testers really shows. My partner and I had issues getting up the stairs at the end (which wasn't supposed to be a problem) in terms of depth perception, and we found the boss battle to be extremely difficult for a game so based on theme and story. The teacher was a bit frustrating to get past when we were trying to immerse ourselves in the story as well.

Overall, amazing game. Will play again!

Reviewed on Nov 21, 2022
