6 Reviews liked by wedgins

It's largely a skill issue on my part, but at the same time I eventually had to ask myself, "Am I even having fun with this game anymore or am I just making myself needlessly angry?"

i really wish i could say that this is one of my favorite games i've ever played, and i really do love most of it, but being forced to walk on a path full of fodder enemies you have to kill over and over again each time you just want to retry a boss is possibly the worst piece of game design i've ever experienced in any game. the bosses themselves are awesome, and hard as they are i never felt discouraged by them but walking for 2+ minutes (i timed it) after every death is an abhorrent, obnoxious, pointless waste of time that adds nothing to this beautiful game but frustration. i so genuinely love everything about DS1 besides that issue, but i just can't bring myself to finish it in this state.

i'm dropping DS1 and skipping to the newer entries since i've heard they don't have this issue. i really wish that one bad piece of game design didn't sour the whole experience for me, and if bonfires/spawn points were much closer to bosses i'd give this game a 10 in a heartbeat. i'm not angry, and i'm not exactly disappointed, either. i'm just depressed

Me pone orgullosa haber usado el cheat engine para hacerme asquerosamente rica. Y años después regalar mi cuenta a mi prima.