don't care for the mp maps cuz fuck this game's multiplayer, but I fucking hate Gorod Krovi, map sucks ass.

abysmal campaign, shit multiplayer and goated zombies, insane how one mode hard carries this dogass game.

loved Skull Merchant when I purchased the dlc, and now a month later and I absolutely hate her, fuck this garbage ass killer.

Nic Cage being in DBD is cool and all but holy fuck are his perks absolute dogshit, had ZERO fun while going for his Adept cheevo.

dogshit game in every department, but somehow the ending of the main story is raw and peak asf?

Resident Evil 7 if it was peak fr

made me feel like a kid again, thank you.

love y'all Remedy but this game ain't it.

there's plenty good LGBTQ+ stories, this ain't one of them.