Technically didn't finish The Foundation, but did the main game and the other DLC. I was in the middle of The Foundation when I ended up in a room that stayed sealed up after I beat all the creatures and realized that, when faced with having to restart the game and redo the segment just to make progress, I didn't really care about The Foundation, where it was going, or how it would resolve. So I put it down and moved on.

Control is a lot like that for much of its game time. It's a decent arena shooter in an interesting building, but it doesn't live up to its promises for 2/3 of its game. It does capture the weird, eerie horror of liminal space, nailing that feeling you get when you're in an office or high school after hours.

The plot it tells, about a woman in a weird building looking for her brother, is fine, nothing special, but the stories that get told in the background, through documents, notes, audio recordings, and film reels is really great. THAT is where the story really is: in the history of the Oldest House.

There does come a point in the game, at the ashtray, where it finally lives up to its promises, and it rides that high all the way through the conclusion.

It's a soft recommendation from me, but it does kind of blow my mind that, in the modern era where so much about gameplay has been innovated and iterated to near perfection, that we still get PS3 throwbacks like this, where you have to stand still for 2 minutes to hear a tape recording, or get punished for dying by losing resources you won't understand or be able to use for another three hours.

Reviewed on Jun 15, 2022
