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A fun, single-player RPG that uses cards and deckbuilding for its combat. I really wish more games like this existed that focused on being an RPG and less on being a rogue-like. For that alone, I quite enjoyed playing this game. I think the leveling system is one of the most interesting I've ever seen, since you don't just progress through a level-up tree in a preset line, but actually build the tree as you progress which allows a lot more customization imo. I also enjoyed the varied playstyles of each character and assembling interesting parties was a fun time. I also appreciated how each character had multiple archetypes they could build around.

That said, the game suffers in its campaign from becoming very repetitive relatively quickly. I didn't notice it as bad during the first act, but very quickly act 2 was monotonous at best. I have heard the rogue-like mode is better for this, but as I said earlier I was playing this moreso for the RPG experience. The voice acting, while minimal, is also not great and a little distracting. I personally like the artstyle, but I can admit it is a little basic.

Overall, I think the game is a fun time and I hope it serves as a foundation for more games like it in the future.