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Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk

Apr 01

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Cultist Simulator

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Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is a spiritual successor and love letter to the Jet Set Radio franchise, so for fans of that series this is an amazing game. The soundtrack, the art style, the gameplay loop, and even so many small details all bring me back to that series and overwhelm me with nostalgia. I think for people looking for that experience, this is the perfect game.

However, as a game that has to stand on its own merits in today's environment, I think Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is still very good, but definitely lacks in some categories. For the positives, the soundtrack of this game is incredible and probably my favorite soundtrack in the last five years. I love riding around the city and having banger after banger playing. The game also runs well and movement feels very smooth, which is definitely important for this kind of game. The character designs are fun and the level design is excellent.

The game does suffer in the graphics department due to its intention to mimic Jet Set Radio. I don't think this is the biggest deal because it is very intentional, and it is done well, but it brings some of the old jank with it. Characters will often clip through things (or themselves) in cutscenes for example. The gameplay is fun, but after awhile can feel very repetitive. It's basically a platformer that uses skating game mechanics for movement, but having those two combined means it loses a little bit of depth from either side. The story is fine but nothing groundbreaking.

Overall, I am absolutely in love with this game but I have to acknowledge it is definitely influenced by nostalgia. I would still heartily recommend this game to anyone looking for an interesting, stylistic experience or someone who wants a fun platformer.

A fun, single-player RPG that uses cards and deckbuilding for its combat. I really wish more games like this existed that focused on being an RPG and less on being a rogue-like. For that alone, I quite enjoyed playing this game. I think the leveling system is one of the most interesting I've ever seen, since you don't just progress through a level-up tree in a preset line, but actually build the tree as you progress which allows a lot more customization imo. I also enjoyed the varied playstyles of each character and assembling interesting parties was a fun time. I also appreciated how each character had multiple archetypes they could build around.

That said, the game suffers in its campaign from becoming very repetitive relatively quickly. I didn't notice it as bad during the first act, but very quickly act 2 was monotonous at best. I have heard the rogue-like mode is better for this, but as I said earlier I was playing this moreso for the RPG experience. The voice acting, while minimal, is also not great and a little distracting. I personally like the artstyle, but I can admit it is a little basic.

Overall, I think the game is a fun time and I hope it serves as a foundation for more games like it in the future.

A great addition to the pokemon pantheon of games. While it is, at its core, a FireRed remake the addition of some new QoL features as well as the fusion concept really help elevate the game. Having HM replacement items, new locations, side quests, etc. are all really great additions even without the meat of this experience. Of course, the main selling point of this is the ability to fuse pokemon together into wacky/funny/interesting/broken combinations as your heart desires. The game makes it very easy to access early and does a good job of using the fusion ability to make for interesting gameplay that helps freshen up some of the familiar gym battles and plot points. The game does suffer from some technical glitches and the fact that not all sprites for the fusions are custom. But overall, this is a really solid game and well-worth playing for any Pokemon fans.