4 reviews liked by wikirafa

One of the most unique approaches to a video game ever. I was initially thrown off by essentially playing translator simulator but they actually made this in such a way that decoding a foreign language feel rewarding with enough puzzle and exploration elements thrown in there to make for a pretty engaging experience. I finished it in one sitting, crazily enough. What kept me engaged though wasn't just the mechanics but the worldbuilding. Meeting each new group of people with their own distinct culture and language made me wonder how they all ended up in one huge tower together... and who was at the top? Ultimately, didn't need much help on this game either with the exception of one somewhat BS puzzle right at the end where they were looking for "brother" instead of "man" as the answer to an already vague puzzle. Really loved this game though minus that one very minor hiccup.

Se esse é um dos melhores F-zero como alguns pintam, eu definitivamente não quero mais jogar nada da franquia. O carro é ruim de controlar, as fases são parecidas, irrita pra caramba, não gostei de nada. Tenho um GBA, e ele veio com esse jogo, então por muito tempo tentei paulatinamente jogar esse jogo, mas sempre me pego com a mesma conclusão: "Jesus, eu não suporto esse jogo".
Aqui declaro a minha última tentativa de jogar esse jogo

it really goes the extra mile to make you feel like you are in some sort of Video Game Hall of Fame. Does everygame, even the one you need to separately download, wonderfully. It's also a great introduction to some of Rare's bangers.

i bet he doesn't even have his fucking degree. what a quack