An underrated gem on the Wii!! I played the light cycle arena matches (where you would try to derez your opponents) all throughout my childhood and it's some of the most fun I've had playing a multiplayer game.

I never played the story mode because it was just a selection of challenges from multiplayer that I'd already played. But multiplayer is absolutely where it's at. So many late-night light cycle races and arena matches I won't forget. And it still holds up! A childhood favorite forever.

I’ve had this game in my 3ds for over 7 years and I’ve tried starting it multiple times, but with each attempt I just never got into it. I finally decided to really start it this year and commit to beating it. But now, at World 4, I’ve decided to quit the game. The levels get really irritating at points, most of the fast paced levels were too fast for the tiny 3ds screen, and many of the backdrops and surroundings are incredibly plain and boring to look at. Overall, I just wasn’t having much fun. I felt like I was forcing myself to turn the game on, and that didn’t feel enjoyable. I was gonna try to stick it to the end, but since I actually own Tropical Freeze, I thought I’d just use this as a trial run and get straight to the “good stuff”. Hopefully it’s as excellent as people say.

Played this during covid and I don't really remember a lot of it. I do remember enjoying it though! Just a super simple short time with a charming atmosphere and soundtrack.

I've always heard of the Phoenix Wright games but never decided to pursue them due to their unorthodox format (I’ve also never really played a visual novel before). And I always thought the games were just really niche and just kind of obscure. But I'm so glad the 3DS eshop had this for $3!! I was introduced to one of the most charming story games I've ever played! This is based on the first four chapters but I'll play Rise from the Ashes soon. The trials themselves are an easy 5 out of 5! The pacing is incredible as you hear witness testimonies and cross-examine their stories. However, once you finish the trial and commence investigations around the town, it becomes a bit repetitive. Not all of it is bad though, specifically in Chapter 4 when a lot of the information you receive makes you want to keep searching and searching. But other moments throughout the game are just a fetch quest which becomes increasingly tedious. Still, I can't help but feel the positives nearly cancel out the negatives. The characters, specifically Maya and Edgeworth, are so memorable and endearing. And the ending is both insane and satisfying at the same time. I absolutely loved it! Can't wait for the rest of the trilogy. I might just buy it on PC so I can play it on my TV.

Edit: Just played Rise from the Ashes and I really liked it. I wish I knew how long it was gonna be though. Going into it not knowing made it feel ridiculously long. But the new methods of investigation (blowing the finger print dust, rebuilding the broken pot, writing names out in blood, etc.) really enhance the experience. I still really enjoyed Rise from the Ashes, but I’m not sure if I would play it again because of how long it ended up being. My feelings of the game as a whole are more in the 8 out of 10 range now, but I still absolutely loved getting to learn about this world and its characters. Can’t wait to continue playing the follow up games in the series.

Ended up getting this game more than a decade ago because I was such a big fan of the series. But this got extremely poor reviews when it came out which is why I didn't actually play it until now. It's a much shorter game, but this is packed with tons of references to the show and some delightful 8-bit-inspired gameplay. The boss fights in particular are super fun and had me grinning throughout. The gameplay is a bit minimal at times but it is still very consistent throughout. I really enjoyed this and don't get the hate at all. It's a fun platformer that Regular Show fans will love even more!

One of the best games to play with your significant other. There's a reason this is as acclaimed as it is! The levels are gorgeous and the story is a rare gem compared to the many simple video game plots. There’s so many fun movesets and abilities as you progress through the game, and each felt so fresh and exciting to try out. There were a few times in the middle where the gameplay got a little repetitive and some levels were a bit too long. But even with that said, the experience remained incredibly engaging throughout! It was so satisfying finishing the story and getting to the credits. I could definitely revisit this in the future.

Such a fantastic idea for a game. Most of the minigames are designed to be enjoyable when playing in short spurts, but that just made me even more excited to continue playing after connecting with other 3ds users. So sad that there isn't a way to efficiently play the game in 2023. Just finished all of my personal goals for each game so I’ve pretty much finished my time with Streetpass. Gonna just play Puzzle Swap from now on. End of an era forreal.

I tried a similar 3-in-a-row puzzle game called Meteos (specifically the Disney version) and didn’t like the gameplay at all. But I’m surprised at how much I enjoyed this one! It’s actually strategic and very satisfying to rack up combos. Gets repetitive though as you continue to play. But a good game to just boot up and play whenever. Super underrated. Might have gotten to addicted to this one lol.

The theming is decent, but the gameplay is quite boring and I wasn't able to get a good score on easy mode lol. That pretty much sums it up.

Sure, it’s not as polished as Mario’s other adventures. But damn, this completely won me over with its charm. The tropical setting and unique gameplay are pure magic!

The poor reviews for this are pretty harsh. I know many people's ratings are directed at the $50 to $60 price point, but I feel like that's clouding their judgment of the game. I understand if it's underwhelming after paying $50, but there's a lot of charm to 1-2-Switch that gets left unmentioned. I'll admit though that it's pretty dumb that Nintendo still has this priced at $45-$50. $20 or even $30 would be justifiable for this. I personally appreciated the approach of taking the gameplay away from the screen. It definitely made for a more connected experience. My brother and I had a lot of fun playing this during the starting years of the Switch so I will always enjoy this quirky party game.

Don't often add mobile games but I poured so much time into this that I actually 100% the game. It was a long effort but the levels were unique enough to want to keep playing. Not a lot of mobile games are able to do that. Solid for what it is!

As good as a Mario phone game gets! Tour/Story Mode is definitely the most fun. Grinding Toad Rallys to customize your home area is not fun. Still enjoyable enough, but you have to be in the mood to play it.

Gave up on this game likes 6 years ago because it was HARD af. But now I’m back to face the Push.

Making the 3D World Captain Toad puzzles into a full game had the potential to not translate as well to a longer format. And although this was sometimes the case, it still very much maintained its charm throughout. Ended up spending a lot of time playing it, and I can't say I didn't enjoy myself. A little repetitive but ultimately really fun and satisfying. And that 50 level maze run was crazyyy.