I am a huge fan of Solitaire's Journey from 1992. It is more than just a collection of solitaire games - though it did a mighty strong job of that in itself - by including two different metagame modes, Quest and Journey. Both of them served to entice players to try rule variations that they would otherwise never bother with, by gating progress behind them.

Solitaire Expeditions, from 2022 (exactly 30 years later), seeks to replicate that experience. While it lacks anything like Quest mode, it does carry forward Journey mode. You choose your starting state and destination on a map of the US (Alaska and Hawaii included this time), and for each state line you travel through, you have your pick between three different games. Harder games cost you less to attempt, and are much more rewarding if you win, while easier games cost you more points to run and are not as lucrative. Ultimately, it still boils down to a score attack, but it's a fun little framing device that can help players broaden their horizons a bit. The game does also have some achievements (for winning each individual game), and a rudimentary "experience level" system that just unlocks more card sets. I kind of wish it had a deck editor, but I do at least appreciate that there's options.

And there's some weird rule sets in this game, too, even beyond what SJ offered. My current favorite is the "Salic Law" type, where you manually deal cards out of the stock according to strict placement rules that result in a highly random layout (and shape) every time.

I'd say, go for it. It's inexpensive and there's a lot to it. I hope they add a building-exploring Quest mode sometime.