I played Bastion earlier this year and Hades is pretty much What If Bastion Was Fun? It's really cool to see how Supergiant's ideas and creativity evolved between those two games, and the result here with Hades is really something special. It's amazing how they were able to weave a narrative into the roguelike gameplay loop in such a seamless manner. The strongest part of Bastion was the different weapons you could use, and I like how they kept that idea and incorporated it into the variability of a roguelike. Though not forcing it on you, the game offers a small reward for essentially going with a random weapon, which for me did a lot to keep things fresh. The dialogue and writing is top notch, and the incredible voice acting and artwork really bring the characters to life. This game presents such a unique take on all the mythological figures that the dormant Percy Jackson kid in me really appreciates. Zagreus has become one of my favorite protags to play as- he's witty, charming, and fun as hell to control. The weakest part of Bastion for me was that the movement wasn't great, and so they tuned that up while retaining the core gameplay and all the great ideas surrounding it and ended up with a masterpiece. Took me this long to beat a run but stoked to keep playing and learn more about the story, and I will definitely be playing the sequel in the future

Reviewed on Jun 28, 2024
