Log Status






Time Played

120h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

August 2, 2021

Platforms Played



120h 0m

First Time

August 2021



this game means a lot to me & i think i found it at a perfect time in my life, its not perfect but i love it and i think about it very often, even months after finishing. in my original playthrough i didn't do nearly as much as i couldve so i wanna replay it at some point to try and see more of the social links. this game has a lot of problems with how it treats it's characters who could otherwise be used really well imo. morgana gets better?? i think?? but even after that he's still the worst kind of character. i really wish ryuji wasnt the way he is sometimes but theres nothing i can really do about it and i liked him regardless so idk. yusuke is also pretty creepy & i wish ann was treated better cause she has one of my favorite stories in the game

109h 54m
