4 Reviews liked by wlofs

A simple fun coop physics based platformer using a refined rope mechanic with a simple goal; get to the top of the mountain.

It's a straightforward game that can result in a lot of laughs with minor mistakes. Only worth playing in coop - not worth the full price though, I'd get it on a sale.

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Not a lot of games feels as expansive in it's simplicity as this one, even though it barely reaches 2 mega-bytes of memory.

Like an astronault who sees our planet from the first time in the distance only to realise how small we really are, Noctis captures this desolate, almost kinda self reflection feel, no music, you let yourself be captured by it.

Coupled with the fact that it was a free-ware game built for ms-dos in the 2000's, you imagine how immersive it was for people to experience it back in the day, sharing their experiences and discoveries on the Noctis forums, letting their imaginations run wild, create this sense of community from personal experiences.

Alessandro Ghignola when talking about his other game "Crystal Pixels" kinda summarises what Noctis is all about, as Ghignola called it: “All alone in space and time / There’s nothing here but what here’s mine.”