2024 demos

demos i played in 2024 + thoughts
[++] = picking up day 1
[+] = fun, wishlisted
[-] = meh
[--] = do not like

(6/14) [+] open world 3d platformer collectathon. had insanely high hopes for this game and it delivers on a lot of those things but the open world bit confuses me and the level design make it feel more like a puzzle game than a platformer.
(1/7) [-] re-esque remake of some old horror game. i was into it i rly like the aesthetic but its just 12 mins of walking , cutscene, walking, cutscene, shitty qte, walking, cutscene nothing actually happened. never played the original, maybe this is just a fanservice thing. will probably get this game on a sale but this demo if anything made me less interested😭


(6/11) [++] 3d platformer u can 360 noscope in. holy SHIT this is good. ive seen this on twitter a bunch from the dev and i honestly expected it to be a kinda alright game but w a really sick aesthetic but holy shit this game is so sick. the movement is so fun and fast on top of prob the best aesthetic ive seen in a 3d platformer i cannot wait for this to get released.


(6/12) [-] mascot horror game. i rly like the puzzle box design of the library but the vhs tapes are rly boring to sit through and it seems like thats the entire point of the game.


(1/9) [++] remake of 2 ds puzzle adventure games. this was genuinely everything i wanted out of this game and i cant wait for it to come out, everything i look for in adventure games is in this i NEED it

edit: this game is mid


(2/5) [+] poker roguelike. ungodly polished and has a rly cool aesthetic but i dont rly rock with poker


(6/12) [+] pokemon but with volleyball combat. LOVE the art and the music and all the ui is super pretty and i love the writing and its rly cute. the combat system didnt immediately click with me and im not sure how interested i am with the game because of that but ill probably give it another chance when it releases since i love these devs other work.


(6/12) [+] hollow knight inspired metroidvania. this game is sick as shit. its like if the pogo mechanic in hollow knight was the entire game and im obsessed with it. cant wait for this to come out!!!!


(1/5) [-] hollow knight inspired metroidvania. controls felt a bit awkward, might just be because i used a gamecube controller (other controller didnt wanna work for this game). from the bit i played it feels a bit too much like other metroidvanias without doing anything special but i love the artstyle and atmosphere. also common enemies take wayy too many hits to kill could just be because i was playing on hard.


(6/18) [+] hollow knight inspired metroidvania. going into this i thought it was gonna be kinda mid like most indie metroidvanias are but this one felt rly rly good. the combat is my favorite part for sure especially the little blink to an enemy move, was very fun figuring out optimal times to blink to enemies and it felt super fluid. definitely interested in playing the full game.


(2/7) [++] survival horror game. this game is gorgeous and it sounds amazing and it feels amazing and none of the puzzles felt too easy or too hard and the way aiming/shooting works is so sick and just literally everything about this demo is amazing i cannot wait. i love how you can manual rotate the cam but it still feels claustrophobic because of the angle its fixed at.


(2/8) [++] open world movement shooter with giant as shit bosses u can scale. played the old demo for this a ton but they added a bunch of new content and HOLY SHIT how is this game real???? just everything about this game is so sick i love it and cannot wait for it to come out.


(6/18) [-] weird horror adventure game. i love this games visuals it is the entire reason i played. fun experience if u like looking at cool art but as a game it just didnt really click with me. its a walking sim with some puzzles throughout, if there is a narrative it is not very clear. found this rly rly cool i just dont like these kinda games much.


(6/12) [++] WEIRD as fuck adventure game, meant in a very very good way. did not expect to like this at all but this is actually kinda peak. i LOVE the writing and i LOVE the aesthetic i genuinely cant wait for this to come out so i can just explore its world i am super hooked.


(2/5) [--] metroidvania. pretty art but everything else just doesnt rly work. feels very clunky and some sound effects are way louder than others.


(1/29) [+] weird horror adventure game. i like the general aesthetic and im interested to see where the story goes. controls a bit clunky and im not really sure what exactly the game is supposed to play like past the demo but i am interested to find out.


(2/24) [-] adventure game. this game is rly pretty and i love its vibe its just not my kinda game


(6/8) [+] rly cute not rly sure what genre this falls under but u drive ur fruitbus around and make smoothies for cute little animal ppl. super cute game, didnt finish the demo but will probably come back to it. a little slow to get to the part where i can make salads for ppl. i LOVE the style it is such a pretty game.


(2/19) [+] pretty fun 3d platformer i like the moveset but the level design is a bit confusing i keep thinking ive already been somewhere when i havent. also dont get why have a lives system if when i run out of lives i just go back to my last checkpoint. got some weird "ERROR TURN CONSOLE OFF IMMEDIATELY" message at some point so im assuming theres some hidden lore element to this game which is interesting.


(2/5) [-] puzzle game where u haunt stuff as a ghost. very pretty puzzle game just a bit slow for me


(3/14) [-] survival horror. i love the aesthetic and atmosphere a lot and the voice acting is rly good which shocked me for this being made by a solo dev. the map is rly awkward to use and all the rooms in the apartment just kinda felt the same and i ran around it for about 10 minutes not finding anything but locked doors and no keys and just kinda lost interest. will maybe check this out again when it comes out but not sure.


(6/18) [++] survival horror. went in thinking this game was gonna be peak and it is peak. artstyle is phenomenal and its writing from what ive read in the demo is rly engaging. as of writing this i only completed the puzzle box bit of the demo but it was everything i wanted out of a survival horror game and im super excited for the full release.


(2/5) [+] top down metroidvania? kinda? pretty fun loop i just dont love the combat


(2/10) [++] weird horror adventure game. this was so sick. the atmosphere is rly rly great and its just fun to explore the ship. 0 idea what is even happening with the story but i am very interested to find out whenever this comes out.


(2/8) [+] doom inspired fps where u shoot paper people w papercraft weapons. this game is sick asf. i rly rly love the artstyle and the movement mechanics are really fun to mess around with. everything feels really meaty, kicking things into the wall and them just exploding is so satisfying. only real complaint is the pencil feels kinda awkward to use and im constantly taking damage from exploding myself with it. every other problem i have with the game no doubt will get ironed out whenever it releases, definitely wishlisting this.


(2/5) [+] rly cool pretty and fast platformer where u have a big ass drill. very pretty super polished feels great to hit things


(1/3) [++] cute precision platformer with rly unique movement mechanic and very open levels to explore. played the 2022 demo a few times and this new demo is soooo much better. just more polished and has more game am super excited for this it has everything i look for in a platformer.


(3/8) [+] platformer? kinda? honestly expected this game to be rly boring but its pretty fun, especially like going back through levels to get all the collectables. obv peach is my goat and im playing solely to see her and her cute little outfits but the gameplay is surprisingly good.


(1/10) [-] 3d platformer collectathon. not rly rocking with the super simple movement, but its pretty.


(2/7) [-] sonic inspired 3d platformer. super polished and pretty i just dont like sonic.


(1/17) [++] 3d platformer collectathon. this is everything ive ever wanted out of a 3d platformer. the demo is like the size of a siactro game (demo btw) i LOVE it and cant wait to play more


(2/8) [-] movement fps. cool movement and it feels nice i just feel first person parkour games r kinda oversaturated and this one doesnt do anything too special. do love the neon white esque level timers thats like a cheat code to get people to play ur levels 20 times over.


(4/29) [+] fps roguelite. love this game aesthetically but the gameplay is a bit boring. the dialog and characters are silly and the animations are very satisfying. i dont get rewarded enough for exploring, ill find a chest and get excited and all thats in it is a single use throwing knife for the 3rd time. the combat also doesnt have much oomph and the core gameplay loop doesnt click with me.


(3/9) [--] metroidvania. this is like the prince of persia metroidvania if it was just rly rly mid. only played for about 10 mins but more than half of that was me sitting thru menus, tutorial prompts and dialog. the bit of game i played was rly cookie cutter. actually lol'd when i found a locked door and it transitioned to a dialog cutscene where the guy just goes "the door is locked. looks like i need a key."


(6/14) [+] fps with cool combat system. i like the aesthetic and ideas of this but it just feels kinda clunky. didnt run great on my pc so it was a bit more frustrating than it should have been, but its a demo so im not mad about bad performance. seems like something i could really get into if i understand all of its mechanics but i just kept dying so fast to very unforgiving hitboxes. one sword guy miniboss was hitting me like half way across the room the hitbox was like twice the size of his animation. definitely interested to revisit once its done, but i couldnt finish the demo.


(2/7) [++] open world 3d platformer where u just kinda run around and explore and do little quests and meet cute people. instantly fell in love with this game its so silly. not sure how much i love the way its structured but its hard to tell with how much is locked behind demo mode. everything i did do in the demo was super charming its reminds me a lot of all the best parts of lil gator game (which i loved).


(2/5) [++] 3d platformer. this is definitely the best toree game, hes so back. speedrunning still doesnt feel like it has much depth and torees friction is still kinda annoyingly weak but the new visuals and music is rly cute so i am obv locked in.


(2/7) [-] metroidvania. very very cool artstyle and it controls fine it just doesnt rly click with me.


(2/11) [+] 3d platformer. this game is VERY janky and the movement is super overtuned and the level design is rly messy and not very clear BUT this game is GORGEOUS. the character moveset is rly fun and i think theres a lot of potential with it and i just adore the way the game looks and sounds i really really hope this turns into something good.


(6/18) [+] action puzzle "platformer" where u play as this guy w like a bunch of tentacles and u can just pick up and throw ppl and kill them. had way more fun with this than i thought i would but the controls are a bit hard to work with. the physics feel rly cool when im picking up a heavy object it rly feels heavy it made it rly fun to throw shit around. the visuals are a bit too celeste inspired imo but it still looks nice.


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