Log Status






Time Played

65h 30m

Days in Journal

22 days

Last played

November 16, 2023

First played

October 26, 2023

Platforms Played


Probably the best stealth game ever? It’s pretty radically different from the other Metal Gear games I’ve played and that’s definitely intentional, It’s the titular Phantom Pain. It took me about 65 hours to see the proper ending and I definitely felt burnt out at times. It being the only game I played for like 20 days will do that, I guess. I think I need to sit on it a bit, see how I feel down the line.

The core stealth experience is really, really good. Sneaking past guys and popping them in the head is fun. I found joy in extracting stuff with the Fulton system. This game control’s really well, on controller at least, I couldn’t imaging playing this on Keyboard. But man, a lot of the action heavier parts I found less enjoyable, that last Quiet mission in particular is really annoying.

I need to complain about the stupid online connectivity. If it’s going to split my resources between offline and online then fine, just please prioritise using the online stuff so that when I log in and the servers are down, I’m not immediately in debt.

I had heard for years about this game being unfinished, or at least Chapter Two and I can’t say I agree? Chapter Two felt like the post-game that happened to tie up a few loose ends more than a continuation of the story. I think the true ending is the player putting down the controller and saying “Yep, I’m done.”

Death Stranding was my proper introduction to Kojima’s games, and it’s interesting to see some of the seeds in this game. That aside, MGSV Kojima feels more like MGS2 Kojima then MGS3 Kojima, if that makes sense. There’s a lot to this game that I can’t really put into words, but I really do appreciate it. Someone smarter has likely said it already.

I felt burnt the fuck out near the end but I think I’ll go back for 100% sometime. Good game.