3 reviews liked by xano

hii everyone MITSTHONY URUTANO here ! the internet's least active backlogged user and it's time for a review of radiohead kid a mnesia exhibition !!!!

okay so despite being a huge fan of radiohead ( yikes !!!! ) i actually took forever to get around to this and after an exhausting week, i actually think this was probably the perfect thing to play ? i don't know exactly where i'd rank kid a and amnesiac on my personal album ranking but this little audiovisual experience certainly makes a case for both being intense and emotionally rich experiences throughout .

knowing that this was intended to be an actual exhibition that couldn't work logistically because of covid is such a fascinating thought when going through this because if anything, this is also an incredibly strong case for the strengths of the medium in its ability to transport us from place to place in a visually interesting and immersive way that otherwise couldn't work in real life . ( the pyramid room exhibit is PHENOMENAL )

there are some really gorgeous visuals paired with stellar sound design that make this glorified walking sim way more compelling than it should be despite it being mechanically limited as an experience . while i do think radiohead fans will definitely get the most out of this, i also think this could be a good way to introduce someone to their music ???? there's a lot here that reminded me of stuff like lsd dream emulator funnily enough but i think it's also just a really good visual representation of how it feels to listen to these albums in general . definitely something i'll be returning to from time to time as an excuse to listen to the albums again !

overall, i give this a " radiohead live at mtv beach house 1993 " / 10 !


- arbitrarily good productions is a fantastic name for a company

- the first two minutes of this game had an audio bug that played unbearably loud static and my brainrot genuinely made me think it was intended until i remembered that probably no song on amnesiac sounds like that .

( you can fix this by going into your control panel ----> sound ----> select your hardware device and go into its property tabs ----> advanced ----> select a bitrate that isn't above 24 )

- the lighting in this sometimes looks like a horror game and it's really cool in a freaky way lmao

- i wish more walking sims looked like this and i genuinely think this is one of the most beautiful things i've seen out of a smaller scale project like this

- i love how easy it is to get lost in this game but often times following the sound of thom yorke's voice will lead you where you need to go which i find really poignant lol

- in rainbows is still my favorite but yeah this is a pretty damn strong case for both of the albums included to be moved a bit higher in a personal ranking

obligatory " y'all know this is just my opinion right ? "

hi it's phil back for the game reviews for watchmojo.com i got another review for the- for you this time and this time it's gonna be called dra KEN gard not dragonguard that's dra KEN gard it's rated m for mature it's only for playstation 2 keep in mind this is a one player game there's no online possibilities there is the possibility of toning down the blood but god knows nobody tones down the blood so just forget about that.

this game is a mix of devils may cry action rpg where you have to constantly get your character's hp as we call it health power and magical power up as levels go up now keep in mind that this was made by ubisoft which is a very renowned company for games like this. now this is also offers you a great animations in terms of japanese animation and also effects in between scenes cinematics are a may zing uhh if i don't know if you're a fan of final fantasy or if you know these japanese animation kind of settings but this will offer you the same setting or maybe even more. i was very surprised with the outcome of the ps2 can offer on this game. nevertheless, i would consider you probably umm playing the first title before playing the second because i did not play the first title before and i was a little confused, nevertheless at the beginning of the game you get a little prologue of what previous game offered. now if you go into details into the game there is weapons you can accumulate, items, like any rpg game the idea is to constantly get your levels up so that your strength goes up so that obviously the game becomes easier and you're stronger.

now this was based in ... a magical world where ... you as a character ... named legna with your dragon end up taking over uhh the world and uhh trying to save different destinations with they're called keys, there's a total about six keys to take care of and they all have certain foes to fight to be able to take care of those keys. now, this is the kind of game where you get to the part where you think you're finishing it but there's always a little loop that makes you go on and on! now it's a total of twelve chapters and at the tenth chapter you think it's over but it's not. that's the beauty of the game.

now this is obviously like i've always said the best part of the show where i give mmmy opinion on dra KEN gard not dragonguard remember people there's dragons in this game but it's called dra KEN gard anyways let's just leave it at that. now all i have to say is ummm if you remember our legend i will repeat it again: 9 to 10 was a purchase where you keep the game because it's a-mazing. a 8 to 7 where it's a late rental fee because umm you think you can finish the game in one rental but then you realize that you have to rent it a second time so you end up renting it for seven days just to make sure. and the other one was 5 to 6 where... forget about it. you rent it uhhh maybe for one day and then you put it away and you never look at it again. just joking. nevertheless, i will place this game in 7 to 8 because it's very close to 9 to 10 but it's all seen before. umm very confusing because it gives you a lot of opportunities and a lot of side track missions and stuff like that that i don't really think that follows through the game. now a lot of people will maybe have a different opinion on this than me but i still think that the japanese factor thing of games are getting overwhelming, i mean for sony playstation 2 you can see 25 japanese animation titles come out while there's only one north american coming out at that time. i don't know if it's sony playstation is really more based or powerful in japan, god knows. but go on the website see for yourself, it's all written in japanese. i finished it in 56 hours the game was established to be finished in 85 hours, so it's up to you do your best to finish it but again i repeat myself: remember: it's just a game!