Do not play if you have any attention disorder, the amount of times i've died thinking i was someone else is baffling

Has all the great elements of a good survival game with a nice touch of british references, unfortunately it seems to falls almost in the category of abandonware. It truly could've been something unique

Go on, say how your "super-hero" is "great" and "strong" when my dude here uses literature to create a black hole and ruin your dinner, only to create it again and make another copy of you that doesn't remember anything

It's fun and stuff, but it has aged quite poorly in the writing department. References and the writing feel dated. It is a blast for it's time, the game feels fun and fluid but it suffers a lot from "millenial writing"

Had my mechanic get out the plane midair, put out two fires, then move over to the other side of the plane to fix another engine whilst the plane was taking evasive manouvers, only to then get back in, revive the pilot, fly the plane whilst the pilot fell unconcious a second time and then went back to his seat when the pilot regained consciousness.

i live in a low income mining environment that goes by the government name of "Jungle". Me and and a group of my "allies" control certain areas of this mine in order to run our illegitimate mining. we possess unregistered firearms, stolen ropes, mind-altering curse pots and only use cash for financial purchases. If anyone would like to settle unfinished altercations, I will be more than happy to release my mine level. I would like to warn you; I am a very dangerous person and I regularly steal from the merchant.

there few games that make me feel the way "It Takes Two" did. You can really feel the love the developers put in this gem, an incredible game with a very heartwarming story. It can get repetitive, especially if you're not into japanese culture, but overall i enjoyed every single bit of it