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This is one game I would love on the new gen consoles but so many memories playing this in the Computer Lab at school with my mates on the LAN. #beforeinternet #boomerandproudofit

Preferred the first one. I just found the co-op thing a little annoying in solo mode. Kinda like Tails in sonic when you're trying to fight the main bosses they just kinda get in the way.

Everything about the lead up to this game was disappointing. They had a great formula with Modern Warfare only to hold it ransom in the last season and abandon it like a bad prom date for a new supposed cash cow.

Game play in the new Black Ops is horrible it’s seems so slow and campy.

I may be biased as I have a more rush/close combat to mid-range gameplay style but even saying that you can hear the frustration in most game chat.

Skill based match making needs to be fixed and a better lobby offering for different game styles.

As much as people pissed and moaned about Modern Warfare at least it had me engaged for 4 solid seasons of gameplay.

The only redeemable part of this game was Campaign and Zombies however there needs to be more incentive for co-op play as well too may people pulling out of games or farming.