Extreme pc requirements, way too unoptimized, a bit pay to win, unreasonable to new players. Can be fun with the boys, if everyone has a 600+ dollar PC

I'll give more to this than to Genshin, but it's a shameless ripoff.

I got Discord Nitro of it, so it was worth playing for me.

For what the demo is, this game should not be taken seriously, it's a fun game, not a long or AAA one.

They fix the botting problem and it'll be the most deserved 5 stars ever.

Can't give more. The game is dying because of sweaty tryhards, the coolest players I ever met in any game, but they are just too good. No chance for a new player.

It's cute, fun, and well short. It's still a fantastic indie game.

It does not falsely advertise. You have to dodge balls with your ball and collect other balls.
Watching a video doesn't show how difficult this game really is. You can sink great hours into it, but It will always be that one stupid game in your library that you like for some reason!

When you're bored it's good, otherwise, there are better options.

I streamed the whole game on discord, it was a blast for the boys.

You have to get good for the game to get good.
It looks like a basic base-building game, but it isn't, it's much more