amazingly fun and unique and cute and charming and awesome game that i absolutely plan on finishing and possibly platinuming in the future

played it as a kid and loved it, but i don't think it holds up too great, however i did still enjoy it when i played it last year

as far as dynasty warriors on the psp goes, this is probably the best they could have done...that being said, it's quite uncomfortable with just one analog control, but the actual gameplay mechanics with the having to go into different "sections" of the maps is pretty cool and i would like to see it in a proper console release at some point

i didn't play this as a kid, so trying to play it for the first time a few months ago i was stunned by just how hard it was....were the games really this hard back then... it's obviously still a super fun game and im addicted to musou, but my gosh either it's extremely difficult or im just bad at dw5

despite the fun i did get out of this, i think platinuming it was more out of some weird addiction for the series rather than because i thought it was a good fact i think it's terrible, there are soooo many problems that listing them all would take too long, but the character designs are some of my favourite in the series, the new additions to the roster are fun and.....maybe im just too musou-brained

when Lu Bu was genuinely terrifying

as far as the gameplay and the story modes go, this is by far the best game in the series, of which 8XL just adds to, everything from the previous games all built up to this and it all just clicked beautifully... getting the platinum was a blast, despite the massive grind

it would be better as an anime... the story is fun and i was genuinely into it, but the actual game was not great, visual novels are fun, but there just wasn't much variety with the characters during the scenes with just a small handful of expressions throughout the entire game, not to mention several of the CGs being reused for different scenarios or dialogues with no changes, it obviously reeks of being rushed out to make a quick buck, despite the story being fairly decent, all things considered

incredibly fun and cute, it's pretty much just a pokemon survival game but it's so full of it's own charm. still in early access so bugs are natural and it's being consistently patched and updated but it's already really good

fun game, I'm just incredibly bad at it lol xd

just a game I've struggled to really get into, it's definitely a good game, despite all the typical Bethesda problems it has and is incredibly fun when you add mods into it, but I just haven't really been able to immerse myself in it properly

it's obviously got it's fair share of problems, but despite them I still really loved this game, Evie is possibly one of my favourite video game characters and just exploring London with her was awesome. The Jack The Ripper DLC definitely added a lot to the game and made up for some of the issues present in the base game, but it's still held back by some lackluster missions and strange story choices.

a game i really enjoyed as a kid, i still love it even now and it's easily my favourite way to play a yugioh game... wish they did more games in this style with the grid and movement

one of my favourite childhood games that still holds up really well today