it was so boring i wanted to kill myself

better than limbo but still zero fun

looks and runs much worse than the first game. gameplay improvements are cool but not enough for a sequel. i wasn't really expecting all dlc content from cs1 in this game but at least i was expecting playable and good looking game and i have gotten neither. i think i've got unfinished games fatigue so i won't recommend this junkfood of a game to anyone

great story and character development. interesting gameplay. the one thing is that the game gets too long but it depends on your type of playthrough so i'd recommend not to explore much so it'll stay more interesting in terms of gameplay and story progression.

in the many ways this game is better than predecessor but it feels less polished than zero dawn. some mechanics are straight up annoying like climbing and melee combat i don't remember these mechanics to be that annoying in zero dawn. but this game feels like a huge upgrade graphics wise, story wise and this game has great side-quests. imho it's must buy if you enjoyed the last one not so much if you didn't because this game is going to annoy you more than the previous one


I really enjoyed this game. I hope it'll have a decent sequel

this game is great but has some issues.

story-wise this game has bad dialogue writing and ridiculous moments but changes they made are just head wrecking like i broke my brain to comprehend the ending so this game a great narrative and lore but bad writing of dialogues.

graphics are gorgeous in night time and hideous in daylight. but overall it looks great and play snappy. on ps5 atleast.

gameplay is great but checkpoints in the last chapter ruined the experience a bit but boss-fights are the best in this game.

overall i'd recommend this "reboot" because of metanarrative this game is pushing. i've never seen a story like this anywhere else.

it's not good. at all. there is none artistic value in here. none.

this is review for a dlc (already played original and made separate review).

so I liked dlc much better than the original. it's better in combat. story still sucks but it makes me at least a bit emotional in the end. idk why they couldn't make it in main game when day had all the set up but still this dlc clicked with me.

it's pretty good on ps vita. but still not the best thing that happened to spider-man

great ideas but mediocre execution. it's sad that these ideas were burried with this game. the ps vita experience saves this game

it was best super mario coop experience for me. i dont know why this game gets so much hate.

still the best experience that i hade in a videogame as a medium. in whole art world really. i think this story is not controversial at all. this game has a message and it delivers