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Ultimately, I prefer the focused, 'course-clear' model of 3D Land and World to sandbox Mario, but this really is an excellent take on the latter. The worlds are full of secrets to find, and the 'find a challenge, do a challenge, find another' loop is compelling. The freewheeling, breathless feeling of bouncing from world to totally distinct world makes for a pacy time, but the game lacks aesthetic coherence, and 'the incoherence is the point!' feels like a cop-out.

A wonderful adventure, that encourages and rewards curiosity at all turns. The gradual reveal of 'new' mechanics that had in fact been there all along never fails to entertain, and solving the late-game puzzles is incredibly satisfying. Crunchy combat, a haunting soundtrack and an in-game manual that overflows with charm complete the package.

Takes the open-world formula to its maximalist terminus, with all the good and bad that implies. There is so much to do that the quantity ultimately overwhelms and dulls the experience. Everything is competent, even good, and there's nothing really 'wrong' with any aspect of the game, but it all ultimately feels uninspired. More is not always more.