What a game. Nearly perfect and will take its place in the Metroidvania pantheon as deserved. More of this please Ubisoft.

It just kept getting better and better and going from strength to strength. Found myself unexpectedly invested in the story and I loved all of the Dragon Ball Z-esque over the top fight sequences.

Only thing it's knocked down for is combat. It's hard to describe: it's significantly more elaborate than, say, Hollow Knight. But at the same time, for all the additional combat options and wide array of boss movesets, it doesn't quite feel as masterfully polished as those 5-star games. It's still excellent, just not quite all-time level, which is hardly a criticism really.

Will be keeping my eye out for any dlcs and strongly recommending everyone play this game. Goty so far. Animal Well up next

Reviewed on May 16, 2024
